Saturday, January 11, 2020

some memories of Peter Kirstein

Peter Kirstein, who passed away earlier this week (8.1.2020) was my PhD advisor, back in the 1980s. I joined his research group fresh out of the MSc there in 1981, and was working with Rob Cole who ran the collaboration with RSRE (Royal Signal and Radar Establishment, Malvern) who connected via the UCL gateway on to the Internet.

Peter had been at this game for quite a while (records say 1973 was main ARPANET link, with the connection to NDRE in Oslo). Peter had gathered a team of people both for his own research program, and to deliver undergraduate and Masters courses in Computer Science, having recently founded the department (actually it was part of UCL statistics in the Pearson (yes, that Pearson) building, and then separated, as CS grew. But at least til 2000, it remained in the very nice location right at the entrance to the main UCL quad.

Peter's style of management both for the research and for the department was very collegiate, and entailed quite a bit of delegation - to that end, for admin and teaching he'd gotten some very competent people around him who did a great job -- this instilled responsibility in people.

When I joined, Peter not only had the main research project in Internet related work outside the US he had great links on into Europe, wth collaborators at CNUCE (CNR in Pisa now), NTA in Oslo, FGAN in Germany and others, and also not just the defense link with RSRE in the UK, but also a big interconnection project with Cambridge, Loughborough, and other universities as well as Logica using Cambridge Rings (10Mbps before ethernet - UTP, not coax:-) with wide area satellite links, both for the US (SATNET - the Atlantic Packet Satellite ) and the UK (I think Stella?).

What this tells you is that Peter thought big - very, very big. And this bought challenges in terms of technology, policy and management. Folks in the US programmes (e.g. at UC Berkeley, and LBL)  found this interesting - for example, the satellite link had a very high latency (.72 seconds) compared with land lines (terrestrial point-to-point cables from telecom companies "the phone" trunks). The link also had unusual errors/losses - i remember seeing really bad performance one day and puzzled, asked a colleague who pointed out the window at a thunderstorm/lightening...but also to get funding for this scale of work was a coordination problem with multiple agencies ("stakeholders" is the trendy term now) from US, Canada, UK, Europe, government, industry, academia. Policies collided - another challenge - how to share a network between different agencies with different funding and collaboration rules? Policy routing (BGP) emerged - folks at MIT were instrumental in extracting the policy rules to see how one might build an inter-domain internet.

Peter was on top of all this, thinking about how to drive forward to the next problem, and showing incredible patience with some of the partners who took years in some case to understand what was needed.

One of the things  helped Peter with was the marvelously vaguely named International Collaboration Board, who actually had a charter for a while, which just said "the purpose of the ICB is to hold meetings".  It was actually the vehicle for the resolution of some of the challenges. We also did a fine line in drawing network maps, sometimes down to specific hardware details of line cards (e..g with BBN folks) and other times just scribbling the now ubiquitous "cloud" image (i.e. abstracting away all the (un)necessary details...).

Sometimes, one had the impression that Peter didn't know what was going on "under the hood, for hours at a time, but then he'd jump in to a discussion with a technical question or a pointed observation, which was bang on the money (in later years, he'd wake up in seminars and do the same thing, much to the surprise of speakers). Another endearing memory is that whenever we were travelling together and there was any hiccup in the transport, he would "jump on the next train or plane heading roughly the right direction". This always worked, somewhat surprisingly.

People left the group (Rob Cole went to HP, Peter Higginson went to Cabletron or was it DEC, Bob Braden went back to ISI, Nigel Martin went and founded the Instruction Set, Ruth Moulton went to Whitechapel Computers, Bruce Wilford went to Cisco...etc etc).

The EU research programmes arrived, and Peter dived in, building the first systems for multimedia real time conferencing - something some folks I recall at the time at BT saying was "impossible" even after we showed them Atanu Ghosh juggling in a conference in Amsterdam, in London, while talking to us. Later on (near end of 1990s, we got a CAVE (3 meter cube immersive VR system) and connected that to other CAVEs in Chicago and North Carolina and did some early work in distributed virtual rehearsal studios with the BBC (pretty much the Star Trek Holodeck) - i remember explaining why distributed music was never going to happen (you can't improvise rallentando with someone more than 100msec away and even at the speed of light, that rules out intercontinental orchestras or even jazz/rock bands. especially jazz.

At Some point, Peter had not only become an actual Post Office, but had also been told by the UK's research funding agency to stop working on the Internet as it was the "wrong kind of network". Given they didn't actually fund his work, this was remarkably obtuse of them.
I also recall a letter from the ISO explaining that OSI was not an acronym. And then there's the great challenge of how to dispose of kit - problem being wither it was loaned or given, it had an import duty (maybe just on depreciation, but could be a shedload of money back in those days). So some of the gear was sent to a US airforce base somewhere in England, allegedly therefore not leaving the UK, and as far as I know, used for target practice.

We worked on all kinds of weird protocols from the UK's University communities own-brew "colour book" protocols (adopted in Australia and I think Japan for a while) on X.25 packet nets, as well as ATM nets and Cambridge's home-brew protocols (including "Universe" datagrams) and the ISO OSI suite itself (with Steve Kille leading a very successful collaboration with Marshall Rose from Northrop - maybe another stealth project like their bomber?). We also messed with various early alternate name and directory services, and with multimedia e-mail. (Do not get me started on the TP4 v. TCP or Bind v. Druid arguments we had).

I also enjoyed the fact that INDRA (after the Indian god, represented as a web whose nodes are jewels that glow when a soul reaches enlightenment) notes and early internet engineering notes contained ample evidence of the input that Peter and his gang had given towards the early evolution of Internet protocols.

There are loads of other people who worked on all this stuff, and i'll add to this note as i can think of stories to link them in. The abiding memory is of a marvellously inclusive and friendly guy, who had some incredibly impactful vision and bought a lot of those people along with him, by sharing the intellectual ownership, completely without ego.

1 comment:

Alex McKenzie said...

Jon, thank you for these comments on Peter's life at UCL. I got to know Peter in the early 1970's when UCL was first connected to the US ARPAnet, and through the 70's especially in meetings of the Inter Network Working Group (INWG). Peter had a small consulting contract with BBN to keep Frank Heart appraised of networking activities and/or opportunities in Western Europe and occasionally delivered his reports in person. Peter was always a joy to work with, even when I was manager of the ARPAnet Operations Center and the operation of the European link was not so good. He wanted to make progress, not apportion blame.

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misery me, there is a floccipaucinihilipilification (*) of chronsynclastic infundibuli in these parts and I must therefore refer you to frank zappa instead, and go home